In Waalre heb ik angelina sheets gekocht. Deze lagen nog onuitgepakt naar me te lonken op de tafel. Ook wilde ik allang eens iets doen met bruin bakpapier. Dus heb ik het maar gecombineerd.
In Waalre i bought angelina sheets. They are looking at me , i had to try out the sheets... I also wanted to do something with brown paper, so i combined the 2 materials.
Oh, you given me an idea. I didn´t really like angelina, but I have also brown lovely paper I will use, and green angelina........I will try this when I got some time. I just find your blog, and I think your are doing so much beautiful!
3 opmerkingen:
What a clever idea using angelina sheets and paper and then quilting them.
wat een geweldig leuk idee ziet er erg mooi uit
Oh, you given me an idea. I didn´t really like angelina, but I have also brown lovely paper I will use, and green angelina........I will try this when I got some time. I just find your blog, and I think your are doing so much beautiful!
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