Afgelopen week heb ik een Masterclass gevolgd van Jette Clover en Linda Colsh. Zeer inspirerend!! Hierbij een paar foto’s. Wat kunnen wij een rommel maken!
It’s bin a time ago I write my last blog. I was very busy, but not very productive. But I get a lot of inspiration those days.
Last week I take a master class with Jette Clover and Linda Colsh. Very inspiriting!! I made a few pictures of the mesh we made.
Her we are listening what Linda has to say.
In the evenings we worked very hard too. Specialy these 3 ladys. They made a little bag from our fabrics. From the left to the right.: Rita, Stien, Marjolein, Jette, Hanny and Linda.
Hanny Spierenburg is the organisator of this master class.